how social media causes depression

How Social Media Causes Depression

Nowadays use of social media is common, and a lot of people use different social media platforms for entertainment as well as a source of passive income these platforms provide benefits to the masses it is casting negative impacts as well. Majorly our youth is getting influenced by the charm of social media and fails to face reality. This is the reason for depression in youth society. Where media is having positive impacts it is also leaving severe negative impacts on our youth. Social Media causes depression in various ways by keeping the masses unaware of life’s reality.

3 Ways Social Media Causes Depression:

Depression is something that is not sometimes explainable in words and it is a kind of mental distress there are so many causes that lead to depression. Following are the four ways in which social media causes depression.


Social Media provides so many different opportunities on different platforms nowadays which include free Lansing, remote jobs, Blogging, content writing, etc. and people are earning a good amount through this platform. Social media have positive impacts and it also has negative impacts on so many people, especially on our youth, The young generation, adults, and teenagers. Whenever they see a picture or a video of any influencers, Tiktokers, YouTubers, or any vlogging videos they are impressed at that moment and start praising them for how luxurious, and peaceful their lives are, praising their lifestyles which they only see in videos and by just seeing them on social media they start judging those people’s on those things which they don’t even know either those things shown in reels are real or they just do all these things just for the sake of money?

Here comes The Word Depression, because when they see their clothes, their houses, the way they spend their life, and stuff like that they just get impressed and want to live the same life as well and start degrading their own life, and here starts self-comparison and this thing put them in a state of distress, and by the passage of time such things make them frustrated and lead them to depression.

Loneliness and Isolation:

Because of social media, many people start feeling lonely and get depressed just by seeing the lifestyles of different social media personalities and different reels on different apps. they start comparing themselves with those people and end up feeling exhausted about their current situation. Well! We agreed at some point that these people are living a happy good life, they have luxury cars, supportive parents, loyal partners, and friends and these things somehow make some people uncomfortable in the sense that not everyone has the same bond with their close ones, with their friends or even with their family and then these things trigger people who continuously consume content from social media influencers and they start feeling insecure about themselves due to which they get depressed and feeling isolated.

Even if the people on these platforms show us their happy faces and their great bonds they exaggerate things, they even make many things fake because we don’t know their reality, not even their relationships, but because of reels we judge them, and make ourselves insecure and lonely. But if we are going to isolate ourselves by creating scenarios in our minds, by just seeing lifestyles of social media personalities and wish to live a life like their’s then it is our fault because we have to understand that this is just a platform on which people do different things just for the sake of money and when they get views and likes and their content reach to the big amount of people their mission is accomplished.

Fear of Missing out:

We as a user of social media have too much curiosity like what’s going on in someone’s life, what are they up to? Are those people breaking up? and these things make us part of that social media platform. But FOMO is also one of the reasons for depression because we think if we don’t join any groups, we don’t have any friendship bonds, we don’t get invited to events or gossip then we will automatically get far away from all this and we just think about this 24/7 and making ourselves bound to that one thought that why aren’t we part of anything? Which causes anxiety and that anxiety turns into depression because of our fear. Because when someone is online or involved in any activity but the other person is not part of it then this thing causes depression.


Less social media, Less Depression:

Everything has both good and bad sides and it depends on which side we choose, just like social media have both positive and negative sides but it depends on the other person how he/she takes it. If we talk about the word ‘depression’ then its main cause is extreme use of social media. Our young generation is mostly attracted to those things that are harmful both mentally or physically for them, which spreads negativity, making comparisons, doubting one’s self and so many things related to this.

less social media , less depression
less social media, less depression

But on the other hand, besides these things, social media also spread some positivity, in the form of positive quotes, pages, motivational lectures, and stuff like that. Our young generation just lying on the bed all day and scrolling apps and just wasting their time and this thing actually makes them lazy, and they don’t do their other tasks as well, even if they want to, they can’t. So, technically if usage of social media decreases, then everyone automatically gets rid of depression.


The use of social media in today’s world taught us that not everything shown in reels has a reality and don’t trust everything that is shown on social media because everything and every person has a different reality which they not might show to everyone and that social media thing is just a part of entertainment, and the people on that platform entertained us in their ways and we as an audience just enjoy those things because they actually seem very attracted to us but not getting those things personal and make ourselves depressed.

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